Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Mothers and childs : solution for the kids Rooms were always Messy

Mothers and childs : solution for the kids Rooms were always Messy

Each of the children will have toys. And the children are also very pleased with the play its name. If your child is playing, which of course you must clean up the game so as not to fall apart.

However, if you are plagued with a small room, you can outsmart your baby toy storage in the following way. How? Here's the explanation quoted Furnish Burnish, Saturday ( 05/24/2014 ) .

The mattresses are fitted drawers
Take advantage of the empty space below to make a conventional bed drawers. These drawers can use to store your baby toys. With so little of the room becomes a mess.

Desk with shelves of toys
With this furniture, you can get two functions at once. Table to learn, and shelves to store toy . That way you do not need anymore menembah new furniture that takes up less space.

Unused space in your wardrobe can also be utilized to store your baby toys. In addition, the location is not so high will allow your child if you want to arrange their own toys.

The bookshelves are open wide and you can use to store your baby toys. Use a wooden basket of toys that do not fall apart.

Mothers and childs : Benefits Toddler Scribble

Mothers and childs  : Benefits Toddler Scribble

Beyond a point, and curved lines are made​​, many benefits can be gained from activities for toddlers scribble. Such as Pablo Piccaso which produces his first master piece, The Picador, at the age of 8 years old, your toddler is bound to.

On your child's motor development, hand - eye coordination. When crossed, children practice control the motion of organs. Every movement stationery or pictures used, requires children to control the movement of the shoulders, arms legs, fingers up, stationery grasping it. In addition, when children learn to integrate motion to strike out the hand with the eye.

The expression of emotion, sensory tested. At 1 year of age a child can feel the sensation of the five senses. Capabilities that encourage children to experiment, that is the way to try out a variety of surface materials was often painted. Various media sensation when crossed, giving children an understanding of cause and effect, because he can observe the results of his actions on different media . Sensations felt fun, encourage children to write off more expressive.

The introduction of early writing. Early stages of the child crossed performed starting from a point, then the broken straight line, curved line to be a collection of thread -like tangles. Dr Alice Honig explains, at the end of 2 years of age children will be able to draw a single line , although not straight . According to him , draw a single line clear tip and base , requiring intellectual maturity. Moreover, if we consider, among graffiti child will look like the letter forms. According to Alice, " That's what makes the strike activity is important for parents supported, because it prepares children to learn to write in the future. "

Mothers and childs : Be careful foodborne illnes

Mothers and childs  : Be careful foodborne illnes

Foodborne illnes is a disease caused by contaminated food organisms such as bacteria E coli, salmonella, and listeria hepatitis. The organism is found in a variety of foods such as meat, eggs, rice, vegetables, dairy and seafood.

According to the Centers for Disease Control ( CDC ), the United States, foodborne illnes causing 325,000 people hospitalized and 5,000 people die each year. Symptoms of this disease include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever and headache. Symptoms can occur within half an hour, be some days to weeks after eating contaminated food, depending on how many organisms that contaminate the food . To find out which type of organism that is responsible, necessary laboratory tests.

Prevention efforts that you can do is not to snack at random, especially when with a toddler. bil aingin snack, buy in a hygienic and reputation intact. Better yet, to back your own food for toddlers.

Mothers and childs Tips : Comfort Going Together with Dad

Mothers and childs Tips : Comfort Going Together with Dad

Want to fill in some quality time with a toddler? Take the time to go alone with him! In order for the trip fun and be sweet memories for both of them, I have to be able to create a comfortable atmosphere in during the journey and at the destination. Here it tips!

Location. Choose a place that is not too crowded so you can play more freely with toddlers.
Prepare equipment. Bring all supplies toddlers , ranging from clothes, hats, bottle sterilized milk, hot water bottles, and milk is put into a special container to be easily made ​​when needed.
Toys. Bring a toy that you can play together, bleak ball. So you do not need to carry all the toys kesukannya reporter, is not it?
Car seat. Put the car seat in the passenger seat and make sure the car seat securely in place and the rope was installed correctly so that toddlers comfortably.
Stroller. In lieu of the stroller or pram which is great, you should use a lightweight buggy that can be folded and stored with the more simple for babies who can sit up. For more kesil baby, use a backpack carrying will help you a lot.
Do not forget to bring a disposable panties that you travel with a toddler still comfortable.

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Mothers and childs : Parents should teach sex education to children

Mothers and childs : Parents should teach sex education to children

Lack of alertness parents of children in everyday behavior outside the home often becomes the reason kids fall into the wrong neighborhood. To prevent this, parents need to foster good communication and discuss many things with their son and daughter, including things that are considered taboo.

Many parents who feel that his act is fine outdoors. This is because the parents feel reluctant to chat to son or daughter personally on the prevention of negative impacts of globalization culture today.

education given by parents is the main thing that can be a filter for the children in their daily lives. Because if the parents do not want to talk about it a taboo to children, thus becoming potential for bad neighborhoods into the life of a child.

Do not think that if your kids looks away from devout worship of a peaceful outdoor environment that damage.

at the time of the kids, often kids talk to the parents, asking whether they had ever imagined when approached by an old man whose son pregnancy by their children? the parents should encourage discussion by adults to children, for example, about sex before marriage to HIV / AIDS.

Case involving a young child as a sacrifice quite a lot and continues to grow. For example, an increase in cases such as HIV / AIDS, Drugs, violence, pornography, to criminal action.

Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPA ) notes that for Drugs, 80 percent of patients are drug addicted teens and youth in 2006. Whereas for HIV / AIDS, Ministry of Health republic Indonesia reported to June 2011 recorded 821 AIDS patients aged 15-19 years, even 212 patients aged 5-14 years. Whereas Liver Kidney Foundation in 2011 reported that 83.7 percent of elementary school children of class IV and class V has studied addiction to pornography .

Kamis, 22 Mei 2014

Mothers and childs : plan a Babymoon

Mothers and childs : plan a Babymoon

Mothers and childs, Before entering into the world of new mothers, prepare yourself by giving "gifts" vacation trip with your ​​husband before giving birth. In order for your babymoon high quality , watch some of these points. Please  attention to some of these points:

Do a babymoon in the second trimester because at this point you start to feel comfortable with the condition of pregnancy. Usually doctors do not recommend that you travel in the first 3 months of pregnancy, the trip will be disrupted due to morning sickness. So also in the 3 months leading up to childbirth, because the bigger the belly , the more difficult to make your way away. Your space a little disturbed.

Choose a holiday location that is not too far away, which does not require travel time of more than 6 hours. Remember, the main purpose of this babymoon for rest and relaxation . The journey so far can make your body tired and stressed.

Use safe transportation, seating is not cramped, so there is still room for legs straightened. Also make sure there are no great shocks during the trip.

Avoid going alone. Ideally ask for your husband to accompany you go, so that there is help you when you have an emergency. If the husband can not accompany, make sure there are those closest to you who participated, such as brother, sister, mother, or friend.

Consult your doctor about vacation plans . The condition of the baby you need to be seen , whether it is appropriate to travel or not . Especially if you're going to go out of town or out of the country . Including whether or not you need to get certain vaccines or preventive measures .

The inn's location is close to a health facility. Find the nearest hospitals and clinics, in case if something happens to you. Do not forget to ask for a doctor referral near the location of your accommodation, as well as take a pregnancy check book to facilitate see the history of your womb.

Prepare pregnancy correctly, do not miss it. Such as important phone numbers, medications or vitamins from doctors, pillows, fan, candy relieving nausea and anti-mosquito lotion is safe for pregnant women.

Pregnant women is easy thirsty and dehydrated, but do not easily drink beverages are sold at roadside locations or recreation. Better bring bottled mineral water purchased from a trusted store.

Do a fun and romantic activities, which would roughly be difficult to do again after having a baby. For example, the movies, watching sporting events, spa treatments. Anyway have fun, enjoy the situation alone together, without the crying baby. Cover with sex?

Avoid high-impact activities or dangerous for pregnant women. Such as diving, climbing, cycling or running.

Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

Mothers and childs : When our children test results Not Too Satisfy , Parents Do to Keep It

Mothers and childs

Although it has been studied seriously . sometimes , children in school exam results to get the value that is not too satisfactory . Responding to this , not a few parents who feel disappointed with the child .

Yes , it is indeed perceived common parents , but it's best when children have not managed to get satisfactory grades , the parents not to compare the child with his friends who got better grades .

Got a lower value than his sometimes can make children feel insecure and always failed . to make our children sometimes have a negative self concept .

Parents should reassure children that the Son has done the best effort and give us a positive belief that Children can make a child stay confident . The trick , entertaining children by saying he could be less good in one field of study but he was still able to excel in other areas so that children do not feel inferior .

As parents , we need to express the positive side of the child without having to highlight the downside . Yet another case of failure if this child because the child is still perceived lack of trying .

If so , ask the child to learn to strive even harder . To help children to be more intrigued by the material he studied , parents can help by giving a visual picture or kinesthetic .

The material studied children can be made in the form of the game for example for science subjects or mathematics . Thus, to be able to learn to be more active children will be excited and happy.