Pregnant women can still enjoy the holidays with a comfortable and secure. Importantly, for proper preparation. Time for you to enjoy the atmosphere on the trip. Do not forget, still pay attention to the safety of self and your pregnancy.
Car ride.
1. Wear comfortable clothing, which absorbs sweat, loose. Do not forget, wear comfortable shoes.
2. Select the most convenient location to sit, for example, you can stretch your legs.
3. Bring a small pillow to support the back.
4. Make sure your seat belt is installed properly.
5. Take a break every two hours. Stop the car and doing stretching movements around the car. Relax for a moment to eat, drink and urinate.
1. Choose a convenient place, such as the executive class.
2. Book a seat on the aisle so you are easy to toilet because ibuhamil is frequent urination.
3. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
4. Do not carry suitcases (luggage) itself. Give your goods to the authorized porters at the station while show your ticket. Thus, you no longer need to search for a seat on the train.
5. Bring warm clothes in the evening trip. In addition to not cold, also reduce the risk of flatulence.
1. Tell the doctor on the ship, that you are pregnant and your pregnancy is a healthy condition. If necessary, show the medical certificate from your doctor.
2. Bring enough clothes to match the atmosphere in kapallaut. For example, clothing that absorbs sweat, swimsuit (to swim in the pool vessel), hat and sunscreen, and dress or two for dinner is comfortable to wear and not easily tangled.
3. If you are worried about seasickness, vomiting sipakan bag, or bring a bag of candy ginger to reduce nausea.
4. Choose activities that do not harm the ship pregnancy, for example swimming, watching movies, karaoke, self-care activities and so on.
1.Screening machine which must be passed at the entrance is not the X-rays, so it is safe for you and the fetus.
2. Move your feet every 15 minutes, given the risk of trench foot ibuhamil and clots in the veins due to prolonged sitting. Now, some airlines also provide training on passengers for blood circulation. How, among others, by straightening the legs, twisted ankles, and wiggled his thumb.
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